Member Spotlight: Allison Stoller

We are about to celebrate our 6th Anniversary & you’ve been here since the beginning!  What keeps you coming back to us?

There are a number of reasons Infinity Fitness is my fitness mecca. I never thought group fitness classes would become my go to exercise regimen, but Infinity has created a unique atmosphere with knowledgeable trainers and supportive members that have helped me achieve my fitness goals both inside and outside of the gym. This facility is more than just a gym and I look forward to my early morning workouts and enjoy spending my “me” time with friends who have become family.

What is your career and what interests do you have outside of Infinity?
I am a CPA and enjoy working with my clients despite some long hours behind the desk!  When I’m not at the office or Infinity you can find me skating at the Ice Den where I play hockey or at my “farm” getting in some time with the horses.  I sometimes chuckle when doing barn chores and now know why we do “farmer carries”, sledgehammer step ups and high-pulls – I think we could do a “gym” day at my house just getting the morning routine done.

You recently underwent a body transformation in our 40 Days to Fit Program.  You worked so hard & your results are a testament to that!  Tell us why it worked for you & what recommendations can you share with those wanting to achieve as much success as you did.

I have done a number of fitness challenges over the years. This one by far has been my most successful – not in terms of pounds lost but body transformation. As with any challenge, commitment is very important but with this challenge I didn’t need to be perfect — I got to have my cake and eat it too!  I have been a vegetarian for most of my life and adopted a vegan lifestyle several years ago. Transitioning to an animal-free diet did not mean healthy eating for me since I don’t like most vegetables and love all the unhealthy sweets and carbs!

The 40 Days to Fit Program worked for me for several reasons. This was a macros-based concept which resonated with me because it didn’t need to be precise.  I never felt like there was a food I couldn’t eat – I just needed to make sure I was close to my macros goal for the day.  When April informed me of my daily protein goal, I didn’t think there was a way to achieve this and hit the macro balance on a vegan diet. While I struggled in the beginning and logged my food to get a feel for what a balanced day looked like, I was able to find foods that satisfied my cravings and had more protein than my usual snacks.  Once I got into a routine it made the journey easier.

There were two other components to the challenge that were helpful – the camaraderie among the participants and the “mini” workouts in addition to our normal Infinity classes kept me motivated and striving for success. This program gives you all the tools you need to set yourself up for a healthier lifestyle.

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