My husband and I have always been active people. We’ve been members at a variety of different gyms throughout our entire adult life and thought of ourselves as healthy and in good shape. Three (+) years ago, a dear friend of ours introduced us to Chase Noll & Heather Weber. Our lives have been forever changed! Beginning our new health journey, we started with the Fit Challenge. The Challenge taught us how to make healthier choices, beginning with our diet and extending to our daily work out regimens. Chase, Heather, and the Infinity Fitness team are clearly educated and expert on implementing diet and fitness excellence.
Many years ago, my husband suffered a significant knee injury causing limited mobility with an enormous amount of degeneration. Our concern about joining a gym with such an intense program, was quickly eliminated by both Chase and Heather. Both have been wonderful with providing safe modifications that keep him active and involved with group training. Our exercise and overall health have significantly improved because of Chase and Heather. We have maintained weight reduction goals and improved our exercise technique.
The staff at Infinity Fitness is simply amazing. They treat us like family and greet us with a warm smile every day. The friendships we have developed with other members are as special as Chase and Heather. Exercising in an environment where all participants encourage each other makes Infinity Fitness exceptional and unique. We are grateful to be a part of this fitness family!
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Aister